I behaved once like Jonah. I postponed response to the instruction of the Lord through reasoning.

When God speaks, He does not forget. He expects you and I to respond.

Sometimes, He asks you a question not because He doesn’t know the details, but because He wants to bring you to awareness of the situation!

We chatted yesterday about obedience to God.

Prophet Jonah disobeyed God at first but later went to do the assignment.

So, what is next?


I have a confession.

It was impressed upon my heart to proceed for my post graduate course in 1994. I knew it would be relevant in my equipping for ministry and life.

At that same time, a well known young minister in the city came looking for me. He wanted me to work WITH him in his new ministry work.

My heart knew what to do, but my head reasoned that I could do both at the same time.

I signed up for the ministry work.

The man reneged on his promise to allow me study along with ministry.

There was no moral or financial support as was discussed and expected.

When I was about to sit for my final examination, he gave me an assignment that made it difficult to get to campus. I missed the papers. Yet I continued sheepishly.

The Lord warned me to leave on different occasions. After the fifth warning, I knew that I was on my own.

I confessed my sin, repented and left amicably.

In God’s providence, Rev Billy Graham invited me to a conference in Europe, Amsterdam 2000.

Weeks later, Bro Edwin Fillies extended invitation to me to come to YWAM Jeffries Bay, South Africa.

None of the churches planted during those years of reasoning ever remembered me. But the Lord continues to be my Father, the Source and Sustainer. I have joy and peace.


1. I used logic over faith.

2. ⁠Fear of the unknown if I went all out to obey the Lord affected my heart though I was certain that He wanted me on campus.

3. ⁠Religious attitude. I considered ministry work to be more spiritual than higher education. No, I was wrong. Obeying the Lord is the spiritual thing to do.

4. I liked the man for his youthful zeal. We were both in our early twenties. So, I considered it a formidable team. Again, I was wrong.

That journey cost me seven years and another seven years to recover. That’s a lot!


I worked so hard yet without financial support for a year. So, pursuing the course of study was somewhat challenging.

Due to extreme working condition, my health and body got battered.

I was not happy while at work because something was missing – peace, the certainty and satisfaction that come with obeying the Lord was missing.


The ministry work grew in numerical strength.

Attendance went over a thousand within a short time.

Financial giving multiplied.

These could all be happening in the place of disobedience to hold one back and down.

The event happened late 1993 -2000.

Now to YOU:

– Where are you?

– What fear do you have?

– When will you finally respond to the instruction of the Lord?

Joshua 24:14-15

Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

Last modified: August 24, 2024