About Us

The Place to be! His Place, His People

Welcome to Life Gate International Christian Center aka Life Gate Christian Center, the place where  we experience God’s divine life and touch through practical Bible teachings, spiritual worship and fellowship among believers from different nations.

​Just like the song by Fanny Crosby says,
”To God be the glory, great things He has done,
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yielded His life as atonement for sin,
And opened the life gate that all may go in”,
we believe Jesus is the life gate to God the Father, and His kingdom.

We hope that as you come fellowship with us, it will be
the beginning of a great relationship and
productive partnership as we
follow the Master and His plan for our lives in and through Life Gate Ministry.

At His Gate,
Pastor Danne King

Our Mission

Walking with God and equipping the Disciples of Christ through the Word of God and by the enabling of the Holy Spirit, that they all may serve God, His purposes, His people and fulfill their callings in an environment of love, prayer and true worship.

Our Vision

Daily experiencing divine changes produced in His presence through the power of His words, corporate prayer, and true worship.

Our Goals




Our Beliefs

1. We believe the Bible is inspired and empowered by God, infallible and authoritative.


2. We believe in one eternal God who exists as three separate persons: the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


3. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life as He walked among men, demonstrated the authority and the power of God in works and speech, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God having accomplished all that is necessary for man’s salvation.


4. We believe it is essential for man to repent of sin and by faith receive the finished work of Christ by confessing Him as Lord with his mouth and believing with his heart resulting in the regeneration by the Holy Spirit.


5. We believe the Holy Spirit is continuing the work He started at Pentecost empowering believers to live a godly life and continue in all the works of Jesus.


6. We believe in the gifts of the Spirit and the proper, biblical exercise of these gifts.


7. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus and that those who have believed in Him will be resurrected in an incorruptible body and will forever be with the Lord, while those who do not believe will join Satan and his host in everlasting punishment.


8. We believe the true Church is composed of all born-again believers in Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation.


9. We believe all born-again believers have been commissioned to share the complete Gospel to the entire world.