In June, 2022, I set out with my missionary team to answer the call to two nations, one after the other.

We had planned to fly through Europe, but many complications arose about the flight. The first flight was rescheduled five times. By the time we flew from MIA to Boston, the connecting flight had left for London. We ended up sleeping in Boston.

Next day, in the evening, a new flight was arranged, but to our surprise, we were sent back to the South to connect a flight from Atlanta, GA to South Africa. We were in the US for twenty-four hours, moved here and there, when we should by that time had been in South Africa!

What does that mean?

When you make up your mind to respond to the call, stuffs happen. But do not be moved or confused. God is not the author of confusion!

We got to Malawi via Johannesburg, South Arica. It was over eighteen hours in the air. On arrival, the connecting flight to Malawi had left. So, we slept at the airport – at the hotel in the building, and flew to Lilongwe the following day.

When Malawi mission was completed, we flew back to Johannesburg and next to Cape Town.

I am biased towards the city of Cape Town; I admire the beautiful, natural scenery of the city. Oh, I was thrilled to go back to Fish Hoek and see the beach. I was hoping to watch the Whales closer to the shores, but it was the wrong season so I saw none.

We went to Simon’s Town, the wine city, the Museum in downtown and finally YWAM base in Muizenberg.

My wife had never gone on any mission trip with me except to Jamaica. She tried to be in Malawi with the team, but it was difficult due to the nature of her career. So, we both arranged for her to join the mission in Cape Town without our children on the mission’s team knowing about the plan.

She flew into South Africa ahead of our arrival from Lilongwe and was accorded an exceptionally warm reception by another missionary, Leecia.

Sis Leecia was the contact person for hospitality at YWAM base, Muizenberg on arrival. When contacted, she took the request as a personal ministry because that is who she is. She got us two rooms, decorated the rooms, and was eager to see us.

She gave all the contacts for transportation, feeding and sport ministry that we could liaise with while in the city.

Sis. Leecia is a non-paid member of the staff. She doesn’t get paid. Rather, as a worker, she actually pays monthly to serve. Did you read and understand what I just wrote? She serves, give selfless love and contributes financially to make this possible. It’s the serving system.

She is friendly and hospitable; she arranged a surprise plan hatched up by my wife and me to surprise our children on arrival at the base. Mrs. King was hiding behind the wardrobe’s doors as planned.

We went into one of the rooms reserved for us, and Sis Leecia, with clean face, comfortably gave a tour of everywhere to our children.

We got to the cabinet, she opened the twin doors without giving away the secret and the children were pleasantly shocked to see their mother. They were stunned with mouths wide open. The mission team was ignited.

We had food, support, grace extended to us and a godly friendship from Sis. Leecia from then till now. It goes on.

The base leader got to know about our presence and invited me to speak at the graduation of DCS candidates. Hold on, there is more to that story.

DCS programs are usually planned months and weeks ahead. The speaker for the graduation are usually chosen ahead of time. But on this occasion, the base leader rejected potential speakers selected. He believed that the speaker will show up at the appropriate time and he would know by the help of the Lord when he sees the speaker.

I came to town few days before graduation. I have been inspired to lodge at this location, but had no concrete plan. All I did was to report to the building and stay there for the next instruction.

Then, Sis Leecia, the woman of great hospitality stepped in. Bro, Edwin, the base director, got to know that I was around. He said that I was the one to speak. So, I shared the Word of God at the graduation. It is a chain of response in obedience to the call.

Later that night, after the graduation, a young man who had been at the graduation, was waiting to speak with me at the base. He met my wife and requested for a meeting with me. We met and he told me his story. It is a story of miracle of salvation. He reminds me of Paul, the Apostle’s testimony.

Sis, Leecia, thank you for all that you do in secret. Your caring heart helped us to move in and settle. Your personal touch created room for the will of God. I preached. Our team including Mrs. King enjoyed the worship session in a very unique way. A soul that got saved ended up changing his orientation and serving the Lord. Another soul came out declaring his past and confirmed his conviction. Today, the latter soul had forged a relationship with us and is being used for us, by the Lord, for ministry works in Europe and Asia. So, mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.

Sis Leecia is planning to travel for a study in hospitality at another YWAM base in Europe. Kindly support her in practical ways.


• Send a note of appreciation for secret kindness done to bless many souls (

• Pray that the Lord will continually guide her.

• If you are able, support her in practical way(s) as you are persuaded.

• Ask her questions about hospitality ministry.

Last modified: August 30, 2024